A standing desk is a desk conceived for writing and/or reading while standing up. Apparently, Wikipedia mentioned that in the 18th and 19th century, these desks were popular among the rich. Many famous people uses a standup desk such as Donald Rumsfield, Gina Trapani, Marco Arment, and me. :)
Yes, starting today, I've decided to convert my home desk into a standing desk. Why am I doing this? I guess I'm "tired" of sitting on my bum the whole day both in the office as well as at home. I've done some research via Google and realized that it's a growing trend nowadays. Some even installed their desk over a treadmill.
What I've found so far is fairly positive. Firstly, sitting is the most "efficient" form of resting. This become a problem because you don't use as much energy as those who spend more time on their feet. This makes it easier to gain weight, and prone to health problems. Don't get me wrong. I'm still as lazy as ever. I just decided to insert an obstacle into my lazy life routine and "force" myself to lose weight. Hence, compared to standing, you have to tense your leg muscle, engage the shoulder and back muscles and often shift the leg from one to the other. All these burn energy.
Anyway, I've adjusted the height for the "desk" to be just right (whereby my elbow is 90 degrees bent when I rest my hand on the "desk").... and typing this article while standing up. Yes my leg is beginning to ache...